Career Training Programs in Clarksburg, WV
for High School & Adult Students
Career Training
in Less Than Two Years
United Technical Center has multiple career training programs in Clarksburg, WV. Career training is an important step on the path to success. To have this knowledge when looking for a job is important for getting employers to look at your resume and consider you for the job. Depending on the type of program, you can complete the training in a few years. Some programs allow you to do them while you are in high school or getting your GED. Whatever your plans, an education on the career path you plan to go down is important. Call United Technical Center today at (304) 326-7580 or contact us online to ask about our programs and get counseling on what is right for you.
Programs Offered to High School Students & Adults
in Clarksburg, WV
United Technical Center has a number of career training programs to start you on the right career path for you. Each program varies in time, but can range from one-to-two years. Programs are offered to students in high school or adults.
Some of the programs we offer include:
Allied Health (Medical Assistant)
One-year program for high school students and adults. The program prepares students for entry level employment in physician and dental offices, clinics, urgent care centers, and hospitals. The curriculum covers both administrative (office) and clinical skills (phlebotomy, EKGs, infections, labs, vital signs, etc.). It places a strong emphasis on medical terminology, anatomy, physiology and pharmacology.

Automotive Technology
Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. Students will acquire skill sets for automotive maintenance and light repair. Students will learn engine and engine performance diagnosis and repair, heating and air conditioning diagnosis and repair. Brake system diagnosis and repair, suspension and steering diagnosis and repair, and driveline diagnosis and repair are available.

Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. The four core courses are Fundamentals of Building Construction, Foundation and Framing, Masonry and Plumbing, and Finishing Carpentry.

Collision Repair Technology
Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. Students will have the opportunity to acquire hours towards ICAR certification. They will learn skills to develop positive work ethics.

Computer Systems Repair Tech
One-year program for high school students and adults. The Computer Systems Repair Technology program validates foundation-level knowledge and skills necessary for a career in PC support. It is the starting point for a career.

One-to-two-year program for high school students or adults. This program consists of four major areas of study. They are Fundamentals of Drafting (which includes traditional drafting), Drafting Techniques, Architectural Drafting, and Mechanical Drafting.

Robotics-Drone Technology
One-year program for high school students and adults. This program of study focuses on careers that will build a knowledge base and technical skills in all aspects of the robotics/drone industry in use today and in the future.

Electrical Technician
Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. The first year of this program involves a study of basic safety, branch circuits, switching arrangements, service entrances, electric heat. The program also includes National Electrical Code requirements for residential structures. Related theory and math are included.

Law & Public Safety
One-year program for high school students and adults. The law enforcement services pathway includes workers who protect the lives and property of community members. Responsibility includes controlling traffic, preventing and investigating crimes, enforcing laws and ordinances and apprehending, arresting and processing suspected criminals.

Machine Tool Technology
Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. The program is for the student to learn the skills necessary to operate a variety of equipment. The equipment includes mills, lathes, grinders, drill presses, and CNC Machining Centers. The student will learn skills needed to efficiently operate, inspect and adjust machinery.

Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. Masonry includes the use of masonry tools and equipment, construction materials, masonry project exercises, and masonry cleaning. Learn basic blueprint reading and acceptable building methods, using the transit, forming and pouring methods of concrete for walks/pads. Site layout estimating is included.

Power Sports & Equipment
Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. This program focuses on building knowledge and technical skills in all aspects of the power sports and equipment systems industry.

Welding Technology
Two-year program for high school students. One or two years for adults. The program is provides training in developing skills in basic oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, basic arc welding of steel. Learn blueprint reading, heli-arc welding and MIG welding along with destructive testing and metallurgy.

Therapeutic Services/
Health Occupations
One-year program for high school students and adults. The program allows the student to explore careers focused primarily on changing the health status of the patient over time. Health professionals in this program of study work directly with patients. They may provide care, treatment, counseling and health education information.

Practical Nursing (PN)
Twelve-month program for adults only. Tuition and expenses approximately $7,800.00.

High school student program for two years – no tuition cost while in high school. After high school, return to United Technical Center to finish for approximately $7,600.00. Adult program for eighteen months. Tuition based at approximately $10,300.00.

Easy Application Process
for United Technical Center
The application process is easy for those in high school, with a GED, or getting a GED. Our professional staff is ready to schedule a meeting with you to find the right career training program for you. Give United Technical Center a call and start training for tomorrow’s workforce today.

Easy Application Process
for United Technical Center
The application process is easy for those in high school, with a GED, or getting a GED. Our professional staff is ready to schedule a counseling session with you to find the right career for you at an affordable rate serving Doddridge, Harrison, or Taylor Counties. We have affordability plans available for those who need it. Give United Technical Center a call today to start down the right career path for you.