Practical Nursing Program
From United Technical Center
- High Quality, Affordable Education
- 100% Next Generation NCLEX Passage Rate
- 12-Month Program of Study
- Accredited by the WV State Board of Examiners and The Council on Occupational Education
- Financial Aid Available to Those Who Qualify
- Tuition Cost is $4,500 plus expenses

To register for the TEAS Test
Call 304-326-7583
Testing Fee – $85
~TEAS test review classes
are offered FREE of charge ~
“The United Technical Center Will Provide Rigorous and Relevant Career and Technical Education That Allows Students to Succeed and Achieve to Their Highest Potential in The Workforce of the 21st Century”

Successful Nurses
Taught at United Technical Center
Practical Nursing is an amazing career choice full of opportunities. United Technical Center encourages you to pursue a career as a Practical Nurse (PN). Our program to become an practical nurse is a 12-month program that allows you to prepare to treat patients in the real world with the utmost care. Upon completion of the program, students to sit for credentialing tests through the West Virginia Board of Examiners, which will give you the license to be a practical nurse.
With the number of students that have come through our doors since 1966 to be a practical nurse, fewer than 10 have not succeeded. So many students that attempt to be certified as a practical nurse through United Technical Center have done so and have lived fulfilling lives. For more information on how to join our practical nursing program, please call (304) 326-7583, (304) 326-7591, or contact us online.
Knowledge Needed
for Practical Nursing Certification
Getting a license to be a practical nurse is a career path that is very noble and fulfilling. United Technical Center’s program is comprehensive in nature. We will teach you how to provide expert bedside care to patients of all ages and backgrounds. Also, we provide students with knowledge on basic and advanced medical-surgical skills, administering medications, and more. Once you complete our specially designed program, you are able to qualify to take the West Virginia Board of Examiners’ Practical Nursing licensing examination. When dealing with those who are ill or incapacitated, it is important to treat them correctly and with compassion. United Technical Center has designed our Practical Nursing Program to do just that. If you believe this might be the program for you, contact us to schedule an appointment or apply today.

for Practical Nursing Certification
The Practical Nursing Program and the Cosmetology Program at United Technical Center are the only tuition-based programs. The Practical Nursing Program costs around $7,800.00. The program is twelve months and for adults only. Here at United Technical Center, we are dedicated to providing you with an exceptional education to help you care for patients of all kinds with a practical nursing certification. This program runs from July 1st to June 30th annually. To enter into the program, one must have an application, interview, Medical Terminology, and TEAS Testing. You do not need Math for Meds, but it is highly recommended. For more information on the PN certification specifically, call United Technical at (304) 326-7583, (304) 326-7591, or contact us online.
For an excellent career path, consider United Technical Center’s Practical Nursing Program.